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Parenting 101


Adventists Stance on Parenting

Book - Adventist Home

Tender Ties That Bind—The family tie is the closest, the most tender and sacred, of any on earth. It was designed to be a blessing to mankind. And it is a blessing wherever the marriage covenant is entered into intelligently, in the fear of God, and with due consideration for its responsibilities. (15 AH 18.5)
Every home should be a place of love, a place where the angels of God abide, working with softening, subduing influence upon the hearts of parents and children. (16 AH 18.6)
Our homes must be made a Bethel, our hearts a shrine. Wherever the love of God is cherished in the soul, there will be peace, there will be light and joy. Spread out the word of God before your families in love, and ask, “What hath God spoken?” (17 AH 19.1)
Christ’s Presence Makes a Home Christian—The home that is beautified by love, sympathy, and tenderness is a place that angels love to visit, and where God is glorified. The influence of a carefully guarded Christian home in the years of childhood and youth is the surest safeguard against the corruptions of the world. In the atmosphere of such a home the children will learn to love both their earthly parents and their heavenly Father. (18 AH 19.2)
From their infancy the youth need to have a firm barrier built up between them and the world, that its corrupting influence may not affect them. (19 AH 19.3)
Every Christian family should illustrate to the world the power and excellence of Christian influence.... Parents should realize their accountability to keep their homes free from every taint of moral evil. (20 AH 19.4)
Holiness to God is to pervade the home.... Parents and children are to educate themselves to co-operate with God. They are to bring their habits and practices into harmony with God’s plans. (21 AH 19.5)
The family relationship should be sanctifying in its influence. Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with God’s plan, are a wonderful help in forming Christian character.... Parents and children should unite in offering loving service to Him who alone can keep human love pure and noble. (22 AH 19.6)
The first work to be done in a Christian home is to see that the Spirit of Christ abides there, that every member of the household may be able to take his cross and follow where Jesus leads the way. (23 AH 20.1)

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